Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 1: Eating... Meh...

This weekend I began my meal prep. After spending $179.96 on groceries, I realized I hadn't quite bought enough for the week's worth of food. Oh yeah, it's that bad. So out of my 7 daily meals, I still need to prep 2.5 for each day.

Bad Timing...

Plus I chose a terrible week to begin. I mean hello, it's Christmas in just two days. In fact, as I sit here tying this, there's a cup of coffee on my desk, a gift of 6 homemade cookies from a coworker and two Starbucks gift cards. My mom is bringing some white potates covered with cheese and a TON of butter to the house tomorrow night for our Johnson family Christmas... and then some. In fact, my parents don't cook a single thing without at least one stick of butter in it. (That's southern cooking for ya!)

Path Forward

So now what? Today hasn't been terrible. I've eaten pretty healthy and added a lot more protein to my diet today. It's kept me ridiculously full of course... I can't imagine how I'm going to eat 7 meals a day but I remember doing it once getting the routine down. I've certainly not stuck straight with my diet. Crossing my fingers for tomorrow, but since I am 16 weeks away from the show and these are the holidays, I don't think I'm going to be too hard on myself yet with my food intake.

New Goal: Build, Shred & Compete


I've been intrigued by and in love with fitness after experiencing the many health gains that my body went through a few years ago when I lost a lot of post-baby weight and then put on some muscle. Instead of being a cushy marshmallow that would need every skirt altered, I now have a better actual figure. No, I'm not perfect by any means at all and am still a little fluffy. But there's a shape there that I didn't have before weights.

Fast forward 'til now.

I need a new goal; a new challenge. Last year, I'd set out to compete in the Texas Shredder but gave up 5 weeks into training and diet due to various personal things. Now those reasons are gone, and I've decided to go for it.

The Competition: Texas Shredder 2014
Date: April 12, 2014
Place: Austin, TX

The Plan:

Due to a few months of not being on track, this is the time to start increasing my muscle mass. It's dwindled a bit lately. No, I'm not talking about looking like a dude, just about making sure I'm eating enough meat, egg whites, protein shakes, etc. Talked to my trainer and the official diet begins next month... at twelve weeks out.

Am I nervous? Yep.
Scared? Lil' bit.
Gonna do it? You betcha!