I've been intrigued by and in love with fitness after experiencing the many health gains that my body went through a few years ago when I lost a lot of post-baby weight and then put on some muscle. Instead of being a cushy marshmallow that would need every skirt altered, I now have a better actual figure. No, I'm not perfect by any means at all and am still a little fluffy. But there's a shape there that I didn't have before weights.
Fast forward 'til now.I need a new goal; a new challenge. Last year, I'd set out to compete in the Texas Shredder but gave up 5 weeks into training and diet due to various personal things. Now those reasons are gone, and I've decided to go for it.
The Competition: Texas Shredder 2014Date: April 12, 2014
Place: Austin, TX
The Plan:
Due to a few months of not being on track, this is the time to start increasing my muscle mass. It's dwindled a bit lately. No, I'm not talking about looking like a dude, just about making sure I'm eating enough meat, egg whites, protein shakes, etc. Talked to my trainer and the official diet begins next month... at twelve weeks out.
Am I nervous? Yep.
Scared? Lil' bit.
Gonna do it? You betcha!
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