Monday, May 12, 2014

Tape and Lat Issues

There are these flat out WEIRD poses that we have to learn for the competition.  They're awkward. Strange. Uncomfortable and just not natural. But we have to do them in order to put the focus on those certain muscle groups where the judges are looking for that pronounced flair.

During one such posing practice, the judge who was coaching me kept pushing my left lat in. It was driving her nuts. She and my trainer then referred me to someone to have my lat worked on.

So today, I went for my second appointment at Airrosti.  The doctor found that the fascia around my subscapularis (and some other fancy names for muscles in that region) had pulled away from the muscles themselves.  Basically, it had pulled back like a sleeve that was scooted up, and the muscle wasn't able to fire properly during exercise.  So other surrounding muscles were overcompensating for the weaknesses there, and that attributed to my having a lowered trap and lazy lat.  Strange, right?  I mean I felt perfectly fine but my coach noticed that my symmetry was off.  Meh.

Soooo... since the days of HMOs are long gone and PPOs are starting to disappear, I have one of those corporate killer insurance plans.... High Deductible Healthcare Plan (basically, the monthly premium is ridiculous, my copays are more than those for people who don't have insurance, and I'm beginning to feel like I should be tipping the doctor too).  So after two visits, my total spent on this "lazy lat" issue is $459 and change.  Yeah... almost $460.00.  With another 1-2 visits to go, I'm not exactly excited. 

Basically, I'm paying someone to hurt my shoulder, and tell me that it's going to both look and feel better.  Man I have the wrong job.

Hopefully, this does actually help.  The real test will come when my posing coach sees me again this Saturday, after not having seen me for a month.  Crossing my fingers... just under 6 weeks til the competition!

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